Friday, September 21, 2012

Why Say Choice?

Below is a particularly poignant performance of Adam Lambert's "Outlaws of Love." One of the first things that comes to mind on this is why do people think it's a choice? WHY would anyone CHOOSE to be the victim?

Gay men are subject to verbal and physical abuse, society looks down on them, they are murdered and the culprits are not punished sometimes as they would be if they'd killed a "normal" person. Churches tell them they're evil, even sometimes their OWN churches that they have attended for years. The government doesn't recognize them as equal citizens. In many states is is COMPLETELY LEGAL to fire someone for the simple fact they are gay. Most states don't recognize same-sex marriage and therefore, partners are not receiving the full benefit of what should be a basic right. And the federal government recognizes NOTHING related to same-sex marriage. DADT may be gone (praying it STAYS gone!) but the military partners who marry have no true rights unless they also obtain power of attorney for each other. A simple marriage for a male/female couple becomes a legal road trip for a same-sex couple.

It's truly shameful for people to believe someone would choose a life that puts them in harm's way so much. I applaud the men who are open about their orientation for they are braver than me. They are taking a stand to say "I am who I am and I'm not ashamed". They are heroes.

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