Friday, July 27, 2012

The Past & Present

Talk about the past coming back. Mama called this morning to tell me to check my email to see if I got one from Joe. Joe was a guy mama dated/lived with for several years before she threw him out and he went back home to Georgia. He passed away some time back. I guess mama doesn't get email from hacked accounts often, but that's what it was. I had to go in and send a request for the account to be deleted. At least I knew his password.

Seems some friends are having a bad time physically lately. Guess it isn't just my kits who are having health issues. J.R. Loveless, a wonderful M/M author has been having really bad migraines lately and not much is helping. Another great author, Vicktor Alexander, is having issues as well, though his don't have a diagnosis yet. Poor man is having pain and issues with his head making him dizzy and he's even having trouble remembering words and how to spell them to write. Hurts my heart for either of them to be so sick, but both scare me too. My brother seemingly had a not serious health problem and it ended up killing him. Vicktor especially worries me as they don't know what's wrong. Both of them almost sound like symptoms of an aneurysm, like my old art teacher, and I know she was so very lucky to survive.

The kits are doing ok. The lysine treats should be here soon and for those who won't eat them, I've found they'll eat the powder mixed in meat baby food. Except Lilly. That cat is so picky it isn't funny! Her I'll still have to mix lysine with water in a syringe and squirt it in her mouth. Neither of us enjoy that much, but I'm determined to do what I can to get her better. She refused to eat the chicken Brian cooked last night, but this morning she ate some treats and nibbled on a salmon Appetizer. Miska is getting a bit more active, though she's still coughing and sneezing. Speckle is still sneezing, but it's not bad. Kittanna seems mostly ok, even coming up to sleep with me again. Everyone else, thus far, isn't showing signs of catching the cold, though Pewter sneezed a but last night, but it was just one instance.

Training Wednesday went ok. It was informative at least. Policy has a rule that, unless otherwise informed, training has to be attended in uniform. My shift's captain didn't. She comes in looking all sassy in silver sandals, black pants and an almost sheer white top... with a black bra. I've always thought that was tacky looking most of the time. But with as many years as she has, I guess she's not worried about it. Hoping I can be that carefree when I'm her age!

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